A series of randon experiences, thoughts, feelings and musings.........

Saturday, August 30, 2008

WhY aRe wE HeRe !!

A philosophical statement but then seems so logical....Doesn't it?
I have the uncanny habit of asking the wrong questions to the wrong people at the wrong time.....Usually the people close to me suffer.....My father and my friends are the usual targets....
One of those conversations.......
Over coffee one mild winter night, I got hold of my father in a mood to talk......
Me: -
"Dad, you are 50 now, you will live for another 50. What do you think your life was all about, the full 100 years?"
Before he could really understand i had a series of things to say.
I piped again: -
"Papa, you have had a full life, an amazing wife, two great kids (being presumptuous helps when you are asking such questions.. :-p ). You had a good job, you are an ideal son, husband, friend and an awesome father. But 50 years from now what would you say your life was all about?"
He kept silent and looked at me for a minute. I don't know if that was look of pride or that of bewilderment but he just said,
"Son, this question is not for me to answer, it is for you to find the answer on your own and I am sure you would do so when you reach my age."
Well I was not going to let him get away so easily. So I kept badgering him.
"Dad, What about your answer to the same?"
He looked at me and this time he smiled. He said,
"Beta, you have already answered it for yourself."
I couldn't see it at first but then i realised it. I had said,
"you are an ideal son, husband, friend and an awesome father."

I loved and respected him more ever since. His life was about the people around him whom he loved rather than being about himself....

MY DAD, MY HERO, MY IDOL........................................

I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

ThE SuPeRioRiTy CoMpLeX !!

It is said that right and wrong are man made things. If you manage to remove humans from this planet then there is no right and no wrong. Things are just the way they are. But then people argue playing the 'superiority card' i.e. we think and hence we are superior. But are we really?

They say we think, we speak, we feel and ofcourse there is the
opposable thumb hence we are superior. But animals also think (look at the way a tiger hunts or the way the rabbit gets away), they also speak (it is a different case that we are not smart enough to understand them) and they also feel (ever seen a dog sulk away when the owner shouts him or seen a cat defend its kittens?). Yeah okay the thumb point is taken thats a structural difference and we have many flaws too. All animals are natural born swimmers whereas we have to learn, dogs can hear extremly high pitched voice.....(The list is endless and i have to stop somewhere) So what is actually different about us? Nothing?

No wait...There are a few rather clear differences and those are the ones that are disturbing too...Animals only eat when they are hungry, retaliate only when they are hurt, react only if instigated and they never hunt for fun !!! Actually the differences are right there staring at our face but we fail to acknowledge their presence. But it seems, we being
'SUPERIOR' are allowed to do all that.........And its US who take an offense at being called an animal, where as it should be the other way round.....

WhO aM I !!!!

My photo
Senti-'MENTAL'...Crazy...Mad... Bad...Rude...Obnoxious... Incorrigible...Impossible... Hopeless...Ignorant... Unlovable...Callous...Difficult... Bitter...Sarcastic...Nasty... Unpalatable...Ungrateful... Selfish...Stupid... }:) Thats me alright !!! But ya i am trying to improve... By being more of those..