A series of randon experiences, thoughts, feelings and musings.........

Friday, October 31, 2008

mY FaVoURiTe QuOTeS !!!!

People are like islands, no matter how close they come they can never touch!!

Money is NOT the most important thing in life....LOVE is, fortunately i LOVE money !!!!

I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too.

Man's unique agony as a species consists in his perpetual conflict between the desire to stand out and the need to blend in.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The eTeRNaL LiE !!!

Remember our golden years when we were little children and were told that lying is bad and that we should never do it....But there is one lie that almost all children are told and funnily enough it is not even considered a lie....This is my story so let me say it my way.....
I distinctly remember the times before my 10th board exams....I was told,
"बेटा ये तुम्हारे लिये बहुत ही ज़्यादा important exam है । बस अभी मेहनतकर लो फ़िर पूरी ज़िन्दगी आराम रहेगा । "
Then came the 12th board when the 'IIT-JEE' fever catches on (For some people Medical fever too but that inconspicuous in comparison). Then came the extended version of the above statement,
"सोनू, ये last मौका है सुघरने का....अभी भी time है, थोडी मेहनत कर लोगे तो पूरी life आराम करोगे. एक अच्छे college मे admission मिल जाये तो फ़िर कोई tension नही होगी life long।"
Then came the extended extended version of the above statements when I finally managed to get into a college. (well not good but a decent one for sure). It went like,
"एक बार अच्छी नौकरी मिल् जाये तो फ़िर कोई भी tension नही होगी.बस ये आखरी बार है।"
When I finally managed to scrape through college and get a job. Then I realised that there is no end to this. Because then it comes down to a
अच्छी company, अच्छा job and अच्छा pay.
This is just a vicious circle of lie that all children are told.....So that they keep running after a better life and an easy life.....Its like we are race horses programmmed to run....n keep running.... And the best part is that when we grow up and have children of our own, we, in all probability would do the same.....Like a elder sibling's hand me downs or a family heirloom this lie is going to percolate through generations and will be told to every gullible child...... Unfair isn't it??..But hey try complaining about the same when you have your own kids..... ;-)

WhO aM I !!!!

My photo
Senti-'MENTAL'...Crazy...Mad... Bad...Rude...Obnoxious... Incorrigible...Impossible... Hopeless...Ignorant... Unlovable...Callous...Difficult... Bitter...Sarcastic...Nasty... Unpalatable...Ungrateful... Selfish...Stupid... }:) Thats me alright !!! But ya i am trying to improve... By being more of those..