A series of randon experiences, thoughts, feelings and musings.........

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sum 'MAR's aka SuMMerS !!!

Since when does summers mean being 'SUITED UP', trying to sleep with eyes open while attending PPTs and listening to pompous HRs talkin endlessly about the greatness of their companies for which they have been working for a little more than an year......How every company is a great company with every growth opportunity for everyone...with a great work life balance...with a great learning experience...

Long gone are the days when summers meant ice creams and vacations.....Where is the playing of business during the day and cricket in the long hot evenings.....

Welcome to MBA.......!!!!!!

Its said that MBAs grads never go to hell, its like been there and done that for them.....The hell is called a b school and the punishment PPTs including the ones that they themselves give during for various subject evalutaions.....

But hey thats where the fun lies....Because ppts mean, internship, money, PPIs or better still PPOs and hence the ultimate goal of each and every B school aspirant and graduate....

Friday, September 12, 2008

GaMeS PeOpLe pLaY !!!

What is it with the world !!! (I call it so because every college is a self sustained planet in itsefl because you can see every facet of life and experience everything in a college in a matter os a few months)...Everyone seems to be busy or at least seems busy to people like me...Studies, games, dating, competitions...Something or the other keeps them busy...Where as I feel I have all the time in the world to sleep (though I hardly seem to catch any of it !!)...Good thing about colleges is that there is no dearth of movies or sitcoms to watch on your lappie if you dont mind staring at it for hours together...
People are so busy that at times I begin to wonder if I study in the same college or not...
It is like I am by stander watching all the action from somewhere else...It really seems that I am a bystander watching the people pass by in apparent hurry as days turn into night and nights into days...I guess I have to start and start soon because it is already half time ..And these games can be fun...Today I helped a few of my friends with their game...It was pretty easy but I could not really solve it in time...Which means I have to really work hard at it...
But as I have always said,
"I like the word indolence, it makes my laziness seem classy !!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

BacK To ThE GrINd !!

Now that the first trisem is over, we thought that the next would be easier on us but there seems to be no respite from the rigorous schedule....
Mind you , i am not talking about classes because we hardly have those anymore...It is about the b school competitions that are supposedly the most important part of an
'mba experience'....
Now every waking moment and every conversation and every action ultimately aims at one of those competitions...
But most people just take part in order to take part....As in what good is participation when the effort is not up to the mark????
But i guess that the cat race that got us into these prestigious b schools continues albeit in a different form and under a new guise...But this competition gives rise to crab competition and this is what ruins friendships...This is what ruins lives of others...And this is what I was running away from....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

MaR-Ke-TanG [Aka Marketing]

I have question: Why do people study text books for marketing??

As in, isn't it all about experience....Tell me one thing that works for two products or companies....Doesn't every company have a separate and different marketing strategy??..They do and thats why we have so many case studies in the first place....If thats the case, what is the point of this rote learning??..Kotler wrote a book in four years but we are supposed to read it, understand and repeat the same for our end term....Which is easy for the book worms and the hyper performers but what about poor little souls like me???

Infact when people ask what marketing is all about, the
kotlers and porters of the world come up with fancy words to describe the same, but ask a person who does it day in and day out and i am sure he will have a different story to tell....Nothing really works as per the written script....a story which will actually tell what marketing is all about....
Newaz i dont think we have many options though....It's Kotler for us....Lucky for us that we have a
lady Kotler (she will probably kill me for this) amongst us who voluntarily helps us out....

Nonetheless the subject marketing which is supposed to be fun and interesting still seems as drab and boring as ever and makes me wonder if I am in the right place and if I am doing the right thing....

WhO aM I !!!!

My photo
Senti-'MENTAL'...Crazy...Mad... Bad...Rude...Obnoxious... Incorrigible...Impossible... Hopeless...Ignorant... Unlovable...Callous...Difficult... Bitter...Sarcastic...Nasty... Unpalatable...Ungrateful... Selfish...Stupid... }:) Thats me alright !!! But ya i am trying to improve... By being more of those..